Sunday, April 30, 2017

More Pix of Brother Wolf's RUN FOR THE PAWS ....

April 30, 2017.

Hello Again! 
Here are a few more pix from RUN FOR THE PAWS ....

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  Brother Wolf provided drinking and wading pools  
so everyone kept cool....

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.... and when the people got thirsty, OH! Look where we are! 
New Belgium Brewery!

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We're on the road with Zuma this week so it's a bit of a challenge to write.  We hope you'll check back with our blog in a couple of days for more feel-good Asheville vibes!  If you haven't heard of Billy Scribbles, he's a writer, musician, busker, lover of folk songs, humorist, traveler, fascinating guy who wrote a great book about his experiences working the night shift at a gas station in Asheville.  I hope you stay tuned, you're in for a real treat!

#BrotherWolf  #RUNFORTHEPAWS #coolAshevilledogsandpeople
#ontheroadwithzuma # #travelingwithagreatdanedog

Sunday, April 23, 2017

Run For The Paws. Brother Wolf.

April 22, 2017.

Welcome to our blog!  We've been on the road with our Great Dane Zuma for 17 months in a 25' motorhome while I attempt to write a book about traveling with an XXL dog (On The Road With Zuma).

We've covered a lot of the country, keeping Asheville, NC as our 'home base'.  We planned to leave a week ago to return to Maine but postponed our departure to participate in Brother Wolf's RUN FOR THE PAWS 5k run/1 mile walk today, because we LOVE Brother Wolf and hope you will support their incredible efforts to maintain a no-kill shelter here in Asheville.  Now I've got your attention, Brother Wolf has some fab seniors who really need some luvvin' in their latter years ....
          This lovely, gentle senior is waiting patiently 
                         to find a forever family:  

If you miss out on this golden opportunity, 
there are other sweet seniors at the shelter who are seeking 
a chance to live out their lives with a family or special companion.

Here are some of the photos from today's fundraiser at New Belgium Brewery here in Asheville.  I tried to photograph every dog (I couldn't capture 'em all, but there's a lot of pix here) .... if you would like to cut and paste your dog's photo, feel free! 

Follow our blog and our travels if you like, we love your feedback! Please keep on supporting Brother Wolf!  I am not officially affiliated with Brother Wolf, other than supporting them because the organization and it's incredible staff and volunteers do such a great job. There is no charge for these photos.  
Please feel free to share!  
I hope I captured your dog's personality 
and the pix will make you smile.   

There were so many gorgeous dogs, including some participants who are waiting for a special someone 
to come along into their lives: 

Some of the dogs were glammin' it up with happy spray tatts:

Others were on their first outing with a crowd:

....Everybody got along ....

There was a Superhero team:

and cool dogs chillin':

.... Pot-Bellied Pig (Stella) participated and fit right in, 
she was .... well .... a star! ....

Everybody got along and shared the playground ....

 .... people and dogs bonded and enjoyed the sunny day together ....

.... There were big dogs ....

mascots ....

.... medium-sized canines ....

.... and little dogs ....

This is Cricket:

There was the usual butt-sniffing: 

.... and tongue -lolling:

.....and pooped out puppies:

Family bonding with a beloved dog:

And there was a whole lotta love .... 

 (I'm sorry, I can't remember all the dog's names, please feel free to e.mail me or leave a comment on the blog 
and I'll update it daily).

There was a lotta smiling:


As with all Brother Wolf benefits, everything was First Class:

And a Doggone Good Time was had by all!

A fab Food Truck fed the masses:

Dogs.  They enrich our lives.
Thank you for enriching theirs.
And thank you for allowing me to photograph your beloved pets.


If you'd like to read about our travels, 
click on Older Posts (lower right corner of the blog) ....

#brotherwolf, #newbelgiumbrewery, #travelingwithagreatdanedog