Saturday, June 17, 2017

A Day In The Life ....

June 17. 2017.

The past six weeks are a blur.  Coming back to Maine after almost a year and a half away .... mind-blowing.  When I first walked in the house, it was suddenly a house from the past, someone else's home.
So deeply personal.  So far away,  It was as if I'd inherited it but didn't know what to do with it.

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 Weird feeling.

Zuma bounded out of the car and started barking as if announcing her return.  For a dog who only barks a couple of times a year, this was rather odd behavior.  She sure knew where she was and sniffed her way around the house then flopped in her crate (the door is always open), sighed and passed out into a deep sleep,

Here are some snaps of our first few weeks back in Maine:   

Stop and smell the chives.

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Magyck stalking dinosaurs in the field,

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Mornng walks on the trails:

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There is Zen ....

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and there is Harmony .... as long as Zuma doesn't move ....

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The last tulips from the garden.

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Magyck received a fresh haircut for the Summer .  
He's so proud. It looks like he has a t-shirt on.
Thanks, Daryl and Rachel, Mag had a great time and feels really "cool" now.  More cool than usual,
He's too sexy for his shirt.

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A bird in the hand ....

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(I call them fireworks).

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Magyck and his crystal bowl:

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Zen and Presto romping.

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We live in Hope.

#hopemaine,  #travelswithagreatdanedog, #ontheroadwithzuma, #hopefarmmaine, #backofthemoon

Sunday, June 11, 2017

Returning to Maine.

June 6, 2017.

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Well, we've settled in to Life In The North now.  Zuma and I are Southern Girls now, we can't handle the cold!  It's been unusually nippy here, with a lot of rain.  She can't stand to be chilly and she doesn't like rain.  It's supposed to warm up soon.  This is unusual weather but I'm keeping the igloo cozy by gathering sticks and twigs and I may even have a Rum Toddie before bed tonight to warm my bones.  

The gardens are growing so fast I can barely keep up but every day the new sprouts and blooms make me so happy and smiley and yes, I do talk to my plants.  I am especially chatty after a Rum Toddie.