This past summer, we met the Newmann family at Bear Creek. They are from Texas, big-hearted, kind and friendly. We were all staying long-term and enjoyed many happy visits together; dogs and kids united us and we saw each other almost daily, even if only for yard-long conversations. It was our evening ritual to go for a walk with Zuma and stop by their site, or they would come over and see us. Gavin and Jayden (ages 5 and 8) and Zuma were BFFs and we really missed them when they recently relocated to another RV Park 24 miles away. Zuma would stop by their empty site and look for them every evening. We promised her we'd see them again.
Last week, Debbie stopped by and invited us to their family Thanksgiving dinner at their new 'home away from home' in the Maggie Valley area. It was really special to share the Holiday with three generations. We really miss our own families, who are all far away, but the Newmann's made us feel like family.
Our RV hadn't turned a tire since March (!) and she was happy to get on the road. Zuma was not quite as impressed. For the first 20 minutes she shook and shivered like she'd swallowed an earthquake pill. She leaned on Doug and I, one at a time. We coddled her like her mother would have and eventually she settled down and plopped on her bed between us with a deep, disapproving sigh.
When we arrived at the RV Park in Maggie Valley, Chris greeted us. Zuma's whole worrying demeanor changed. She was delighted to see a familiar face and, during our visit, she thought nothing of making herself right at home with her familiar buddies.
We all had a great time and dinner was absolutely delicious. Debbie and Missi prepared a traditional feast with a Texas twist and Bobbie baked four amazing pies: 2 pumpkin, pecan and egg custard. Mmmm! We wobbled home to our nearby site and crawled into Hula Girl, then collapsed in a heap of warmth, inside and out. Giving Thanks. For sure. It's not just one day of thanks, it's about being thankful for lifelong friends.
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