Saturday, March 25, 2017

Bath House Hysteria.

March  21, 2017.

Okay, if you've never experienced an RV Park Bath House in the Winter, DON'T DO IT.  Unless you're into self-torture.

When my hot water wasn't working I had to use the bath house at the RV Park.  It's nice enough, clean, tiled, efficient.

But those tiles are really freaking cold on a March morning and if I don't have a shower every two days my hair looks like a bacon dish.  I have to lay all my shit stuff out on the bench, towels, clothes, etc., all in the order I will adorn them post showering. Gently deposit shampoos and soap and wash cloth in the shower and prepare to be amazed.  No.  I can barely pull the tap out of the wall to make the water run and it takes a really long time for the hot water to come through.  So long that I turn the knob the other way and pray it's gotta be right.  No.  How long should I wait for the hot water?  

Finally, the hot water kicks in before I go mental and then I drop the soap.  OMG.  I am NOT a fan of public bath houses.

Last summer Missi scrambled out of the shower on a really hot day and was freaking out because there was a snake in the shower.  I don't mind snakes.  I actually like them unless they leap out and surprise me.  So I calmed her down and went into the shower stall expecting to tackle a giant Anaconda.  It turned out to be a baby green snake who was already dead.  It was the size of a large worm. But Missi doesn't like snakes and a snake is a snake.  Even tho' this little guy was so small it would have barely qualified as an appetizer on a cracker.

The other day I had a shower in the bath house and when I went to open the door Missi was on the other side.  Our timing couldn't have been more perfect.  I pulled, she pushed and she screamed hysterically because she wasn't expecting anyone.  Me neither.  We laffed so hard I almost had to go have another shower.  If you know what I mean.

Now I have gushings of hot water in Hula Girl I don't have to use the bath house.  Life will be easier but not nearly as entertaining as bath house hysteria.

#publicbathhouses, #rvcamping, #travelingwithagreatdanedog, #ontheroadwithzuma, #bathhousehysteria

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