Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Fog and Farewell to OC.

December 27

First to arrive, last to leave

Due to fog, Doug spent 3.5 hours waiting in Salisbury Airport Sunday morning after I dropped him off in the wee hours.  Finally he arrived in Philly and due to fog, rain and delays he then spent 5.5 hours waiting to fly to Portland, Maine but the flight was eventually canceled so Doug was stuck in Philly overnight.  He finally arrived at the office on Monday; the temperature in Maine was nearly 50 degrees lower than in OC.

Before we left OC, Zuma and I had two fabulous Sunday romps on the beach; it was 70 degrees with a warm breeze that came up behind us every few minutes, clinging to us for a minute or two. People on the beach all commented on experiencing this same feeling.  It felt like a dear friend enveloping us with a warm blanket. That kinduv sums up Ocean City and it's people, really.

Zuma encountered her first surfers, really nice guys.  She didn't know what to make of the surfboards, even though the guys were friendly towards her.

We watched two  handsome dogs frolic in the surf.  Zuma, who refuses to dip a toe in the ocean, suddenly became inspired to join in the fun chasing tennis balls.

It was really sad to say goodbye to OC and the fabulous people there but, as the saying goes, "It's not the destination, it's the journey".

I really love the seaside , I believe it brings out the best in people.  Walking on sand is the BEST therapy.  No "shrink" can heal the soul better than this.  I am so glad Doug was able to enjoy two weeks in OC with us.

Having grown up within a couple of blocks of the English Channel and spending many years on the beaches there, there must be salt water in my veins.

I truly love the whole seaside thing, especially here.  I was here over 30 years ago and now I see the "progress", where the "dated" Brady Bunch-style hotels and motels that are still in business but are physically overshadowed by time moving on:

I love the old places.  There's just something fun and funky about old hotels.  They've stood their ground and not yet been enveloped by the huge chains.

And then there's this:

Time, they say, marches on.

I hope there will not be too much more "progress" before we return again.  We will all miss you, Ocean City.  We'll be back.

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