Sunday, November 27, 2016

24 hours: A traveler's first impression of Mississippi.

November 27, 2016.

We arrived in Mississippi yesterday afternoon.  The RV Park is clean and quiet with an excellent fenced dog park.  Today Doug and I went for a 2 1/2 hour walk with Zuma, destination: a BBQ place beside a gas station.  This is one of two signs on the entrance door to the Shell station (and they freaking mean it):

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And then there's this:

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There has been/is an outspoken battle about gay rights and human decency.  Whaat?

This article explains that gay PEOPLE'S lifestyles go against some religious beliefs and how it is legal for gay people to be denied home rentals, service in restaurants, etc.  So, did I miss something?  What happened to LOVE THY NEIGHBOR?  Talk about setting progress back decades, years.  
What's next?  Gays Only water fountains?

Wow.  This trip is really a string of eye-opening Life Lessons.

Ya'll means ALL, Folks.  'Nuff said.  That's my blog for today.  
I have to go and extinguish the flames on my head because I'm so shocked, I'm sure my hair is on fire.  

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Yeh, Ya'll means ALL, Folks.  

Fort Payne, Alabama and on to Mississippi.

November 26, 2016.

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Fort Payne is known as "The Gateway To The Appalachians" and the mountains were visible this morning as we continued on.  First, we had to explore Fort Payne a little.  However, even though it was Saturday, none of the shops were open and we had a challenge finding a restaurant for a cup of coffee.  Fort Payne is pretty sleepy at this time of year.  We met a young man on the street who told us, "Ya ain't gonna find nothing open today".  Must've been because it is Thanksgiving weekend?  

Being lovers of America's downtowns, we took Zuma for a brisk walk and admired some of the main street's charming windowfronts and buildings:

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Fort Payne is the home of the band ALABAMA; the foursome is honored in the center of town with beautiful bronze statues and plaques celebrating the group.  (Sorry, terrible pic, early a.m. sun).  

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                                               Sweet Home Alabama
                               Where the skies are so blue
                               Sweet home Alabama
                               Lord, I'm coming home to you.

On the road again, we called an RV Park and scored a site for the next two nights.  A 3 - 4 hour drive to Mississippi, the GPS announced.  After 6 hours on the highway, with a couple of stretches of heavy traffic and a few quick stops to stretch, we arrived at our destination in Mississippi.  Zuma needed some exercise and so did we, then we nibbled on a dinner and called it a day.

See if you're not singing Sweet Home Alabama for two days now!

#sweethomealabama, #travelingwith dogsrv, #greatgreatdogs, #fortpayneal


Sweet Home Alabama!

November 25, 2016

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We made it!  Yeh, we both had that song in our head all day!

After our goodbyes to The Newmann family this morning, we headed out for our next destination, Alabama.  The smoke and haze from nearby mountain wildfires was visible as we traveled through Knoxville, TN and there were large signs on the highway warning: Air Quality Alert: Reduce Travel. Once we got through Chattanooga, the skies cleared and the mountains came into view.  We did see a small area of smoke in the distance but people we met advised us that the fires there are being contained.  

Feeling much more relaxed, Zuma assigned herself the job of co-navigator.  She takes her newly self-appointed position very seriously, never taking her eyes off the road.  DOG is my Co-Pilot.

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We're on our way to new Orleans, LA.  We think.  Well, that's the plan but we are like A.D.D. 2nd graders sometimes, so we very well could be distracted and side-tracked.  We crossed the Central Time Zone and gained an hour.  Doug's been adjusting to the time zone thing since he returned from Holland last week, now he has to readjust again.  Hula Girl is very cosy and we sleep well, as a rule.
Of course, it all depends on how much of the bed our little friend decides she requires for her beauty sleep.

We made one 'phone call from the road and immediately located a rustic campground near Fort Payne, AL, where we stayed overnight.  Quiet, private and carved into a mountainside, this was a find, especially considering it's Thanksgiving weekend.  Fellow travelers have informed us that if there are no campsites available, Wal-Mart and Cracker Barrel are easy going and allow RVers to stay in their parking lots for free; it's "dry camping" with no hookups, but it's a place to hang your hat.  Thankfully, we haven't had to do that but we have a generator so, if we get stuck, so that's an option.  

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Transients, ya'll, transients.

Giving Thanks.

November 24, 2016.

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This past summer, we met the Newmann family at Bear Creek.   They are from Texas, big-hearted, kind and friendly.  We were all staying long-term and enjoyed many happy visits together; dogs and kids united us and we saw each other almost daily, even if only for yard-long conversations.  It was our evening ritual to go for a walk with Zuma and stop by their site, or they would come over and see us.  Gavin and Jayden (ages 5 and 8) and Zuma were BFFs and we really missed them when they recently relocated to another RV Park 24 miles away.  Zuma would stop by their empty site and look for them every evening.  We promised her we'd see them again.                      

Last week, Debbie stopped by and invited us to their family Thanksgiving dinner at their new 'home away from home' in the Maggie Valley area.  It was really special to share the Holiday with three generations.  We really miss our own families, who are all far away, but the Newmann's made us feel like family.  

Our RV hadn't turned a tire since March (!) and she was happy to get on the road.  Zuma was not quite as impressed.  For the first 20 minutes she shook and shivered like she'd swallowed an earthquake pill.  She leaned on Doug and I, one at a time.  We coddled her like her mother would have and eventually she settled down and plopped on her bed between us with a deep, disapproving sigh.

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When we arrived at the RV Park in Maggie Valley, Chris greeted us.  Zuma's whole worrying demeanor changed.  She was delighted to see a familiar face and, during our visit, she thought nothing of making herself right at home with her familiar buddies.  

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We all had a great time and dinner was absolutely delicious. Debbie and Missi prepared a traditional feast with a Texas twist and Bobbie baked four amazing pies: 2  pumpkin, pecan and egg custard. Mmmm!  We wobbled home to our nearby site and crawled into Hula Girl, then collapsed in a heap of warmth, inside and out. Giving Thanks.  For sure.  It's not just one day of thanks, it's about being thankful for lifelong friends.  

Thursday, November 24, 2016

Exit, Stage Right.

November 24, 2016.


I'm finding it difficult to leave this place we love. 
We're preparing to exit here this morning. 
It's kinduv deja vu because this time last year I was packing to leave Maine.  THAT was a challenge.  But I needed a change, I needed to knock some items off my Bucket List, I needed to do something different and I'm truly thankful Doug and Zuma and I are able to do this.

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So, as we head out, I want to thank ya'll for following us on our journey and we wish you and yours a Happy and Healthy Thanksgiving.  

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Talkin' Turkey

November 23, 2016          

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I was packing and cleaning yesterday because we're planning to get back on the road again soon.  To ease the monotony of my tasks, I turned on the tv, hoping the cooking channels would inspire me. It's all "turkey talk", which is all very interesting and informative ....

" ... by the time it pops up, your breast is dry and your legs aren't ready ... "

" ... when you're rubbing oil into the legs remember to get in between the cracks ... "

Just sayin', ya'll.  If it's on tv, it's gotta be the truth.
Flip channel:  bad soap opera stuff. More about how to approach a turkey from the rear end. More about the election.  Grab Remote. Switch off.  Goodbye negativity in my life.  Turkey butts are looking good in comparison.

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For the first time in decades, I'm not cooking a turkey dinner nor ironing napkins nor attempting to set the perfect table and hosting a houseful of guests.  It's wierd, I'm really missing it, but this is how it is this year.  I enjoy the spirit of the holidays, the preparations, the excitement of greeting family and guests.  Doug and Emma and I all love having a crowd, lighting the fireplaces and woodstoves back in Maine, cooking up a storm.  But this year we are taking the day off.  We'll make up for it later, ya'll.  Gotta try this:

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We were hoping Emma would take us up on our offer to fly her down to NC for a few days, but she is far too busy at work and can't get away right now.  We'll still be thankful (from far away) for each other and all that we have. 


and remember:

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Who can post a Blog A Day?

November 22, 2016.

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It's a huge relief that the weekend winds didn't cripple the Fire Fighter's efforts to squash the wildfires.  Thousands of acres are still on fire, but some of the fires are gradually being extinguished, 35%, 15%, 45%.  Some wildfires continue to expand.  The air quality is better here this morning, but the winds did cause more fiery problems in some parts of several counties and many communities are being evacuated this morning, whilst other communities are happily being granted access to go home.  
Home For The Holidays.

A couple of weeks ago, I met a fellow traveler/blogger who asked me if I blog every day.  No, not usually.  Gary said he challenges himself to a blog a day once or twice a year and he challenged me to write a blog a day for one month, so right now I'm on day 22 and I've posted 20 blogs.  'Cuz there's been plenty goin' on, ya'll!  Fingers crossed, maybe I'll be able to pull it off.  

So, for today's blog I won't bore you with details, but we're preparing for us to leave.  We got together with some close friends for appetizers and cocktails yesterday evening, now we're orchestrating a final "get it together" round, then, God Willing and the creek don't rise, we're hitting the highway tomorrow, Thanksgiving morning.  We think traffic won't be as hairy as it's going to be the day before The Big Day. Everybody else should be bellied up to the table and gobbling dinner, right?  
Thinking positively!

We joke around about Hula Girl's low mileage; she had 3,500 miles on her when we bought her and she has about 4,000 miles to her credit now.  I've only traveled in her for 16 miles, from the dealership near Savannah to Tybee Island.  Iiiii know!  Doug tells people "we don't want to put any miles on her", LOL!  Heck, she's still got the same tank of gas from the day we bought her!

So, we're now joining the ranks of "snowbirds" (people who head south to escape a northern winter).  In RV Land, there are also the "halfbacks", people who stop in Asheville as a halfway point from north to south.  Or vice versa.  Never heard that term before, but we've met a lot of 'em.

We feel "rooted" here in WNC, we've made many great friends and we love the area.  But it's time to move on.  We planned to head to Santa Fe but it's cold there (!) so we're going to aim for New Orleans .... then o to Santa Fe after reconoitering around the deep south.  Keep in touch and Happy Holidays! 


Sunday, November 20, 2016

Chilly and Chillin'

November 20, 2016


It's getting cold here!  Still no real frost yet, but brrrr!  With the wind chill it feels like 19 degrees.  The news says these 30 F temps are those expected here in early January.  Chilly, yes, but it's still not "Maine cold"!  The winds last night were pretty wild at times, the news says gusts in some places reached 50 - 60 mph.  I think we were in one of those "some places".  Ah .... quite exciting when you live in a giant Spam Can in the mountains like I do!  No complaints, she's a sturdy girl and keeps us cozy and safe inside. And smoke free.  Love this license plate sported on the RV of a Fellow Traveler!

Those winds have brought more smoke and haze and a wind warning has been issued for today.  In some evacuated areas people were allowed to return to their homes,  in other areas, many families have been instructed to vacate because of the air quality.

Gotta go and dig out Zuma's winter coat.  She's not impressed with this nip in the air after a warm sunny Fall;  I doubt she'll bellyache about staying inside today.  She's still in bed (8 a.m.)!.

Saturday, November 19, 2016

Wintry Winds and Wildfires

November 19, 2016.

I'm thankful my big ole dawg is keeping my feet warm.
Even if she does hog the bed.  Warm feet mean a lot to me.

This morning the forecast said the winds were expected to pick up to 30 mph with gusts up to 40 - 45 mph after 10:00 a.m., but the winds are already flourishing, gaining strength and flurrying here. The Motorhome is momentarily rocking, Zuma won't go outside unless she's desperate, it's just not normal in her mind.  It's far more windy (suddenly) than I expected.  It's not at full strength, not yet. But I can see the smoke rolling in from the nearby mountains.

Zu even let out a few low, meaningful woofs this morning on our walk.  She freaked herself out.  Totally.  She rarely barks (like, a few times a year).  Maybe it's because the unruly leaf piles rose up to attack her (in her mind) or because she's sick and tired of watching multiple recipes for cornbread stuffing on The Food Network. This wind is already hampering the valiant work of the Fire Fighters here and it is clearly going to deliver even more smoke to our area.  

I'm so glad we can cuddle up here, spend some quality snuggling on the bed, loafing Dane-style, read, write, chew on marrow bones (Zuma, not me) and chill out until it (literally) blows over. 

Everybody here is super anxious that the wildfires will continue to ignite and bloom.  Asheville's Holiday Parade is supposed to take place in town this morning but there's been some talk of not holding this annual event because these winds are pretty powerful.

We're planning to leave this area for Santa Fe after Thanksgiving, a plan long in the works.  As much as we want to stay here, we want to chug on and see what the road ahead holds for us.  But we'll return to Asheville because it has been so good to us, it's a great place.

So!  Please Stay Tuned!

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The Ups and Downs of Traveling With a Big Dog.

November 19, 2016

Meeting interesting, dog-loving people.

Having dog owners snatch up their pets or scramble to retreat from our path.  Wait, maybe it's US they should be afraid of, not the dog?

Zuma meeting little dogs who gain confidence from her kind, matronly ways.

Going for a walk with Zuma and having a little dog/dogs snarl and snap at her (!). This happens almost daily in cities; we'd avoid it if we could but an ambush is an ambush.  Like the time we three all got bowled over, resembling sidewalk dominoes, when a small snarly lurched at Zuma and she bumped into me, I bumped into Doug, he almost hit a parking meter as we ungraciously bounced sideways across the sidewalk. Zuma doesn't get upset, she just carries on in her regal way that reminds me of the 101 Dalmations cartoon:  non-judgey, non-reactive, smiling ....  "Sorry if I'm big, I don't mean any harm, ya'll" (yes, Zuma is becoming a southerner)!  I suppose the little dogs feel intimidated so they fling themselves into defense mode.  

If offered an opportunity to meet, everybody gets along.  Most dog owners/dog lovers understand the unspoken rule:  Let them be dogs.  This little sweetheart was timid at first but warmed up quickly when she realized there was no threat.

As did this little cutie.

Zuma is really attracted to small dogs.  She gets along with all sizes but she is always "the big one" in any pack.  That's gotta be hard on a girl, ya know?!  (Can't find shoes to fit, all the best clothes on the rack are XS).  All in all, it's a great lesson for humanity and dogmanity (yeh, I made that word up too).  She wouldn't harm a fly. 

Enjoying watching small children warm up to The Big Dog.
Every day we have to stop in the street or by campsites for a visit so the Zuma buddies can have playtime and a hug.

Having fearful people snatch up their children from our path.
(No photos available, film at eleven, they ran too fast).

Up:  Seeing smiles on children's faces as they hug and pet her.

         And seeing Zuma smile too.

Thankful. Wildfires update.

November 19, 2016

As we celebrate Thanksgiving, I am thankful for so many things, family and friends foremost.  I just want to say Thank You, Everybody, for checking in on us!  We're fine, Zuma and I;  Doug is away in The Netherlands and Ireland, he'll be back here in a few days.  We got this.

It's a huge relief that the air quality here is rated "acceptable", but when we go out for a long period of time, Zuma and I end up in a sneezing contest, so we're staying inside, AC on. we get on a roll with our explosive blasts of sneezing so we just walk several short sprints a day.  Zuma has adjusted well to Day #5 of not going for a daily 3 - 5 mile trek.  My pants still fit so I'm cool with it too.  

The wildfires are slowly slowly getting under control and for the past few days we've been able to actually see the mountains. The smoke and haze are in the distance now. BUT! Warm temps and 30 mph winds are expected this weekend, posing additional challenges for Fire Fighters.  The closest wildfires to our area are now several miles away, the haze lingers with the wind delivering occasional wafts of smoke.  OMG, I sound like a weather reporter. Sorry!

It's a major piece of this journey, a part of history, witnessing what happens in different parts of the country, the reactions of the people who live in a place, whether it be in peace or in turmoil, in a country visibly divided.  Yes, we're bent, but we're not broken.  

As the haze lifted Wednesday morning, blue skies shone through and the mountains became visible for the first time in several days. 
Spirits have been noticeably lifted too.  Zuma is less sticky about being outside, she lounged in the sunshine on her outdoor comfy air-filled bed Thursday and Friday for the first time since last Saturday.  

Our friend Rusty share this photo taken from The Blue Ridge Parkway a few days ago.

As grim as this situation is in several states, AB, KY, NC, SC, GA and TN, crews are on the case 24/7 and gradually they are making headway.

I'm thankful no lives or buildings have been lost.  
I'm thankful so many Fire Fighters were able to come and help and they are unharmed.

I'm thankful the mountains will eventually recover, major old growth forest has been saved and new growth will surely reappear.  


#beingthankful, #great dane dogs, #wildfiresnorthcarolina