Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Boobie Ruby and Keepin' it Weird

March 28, 2017.

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That's a familiar saying around Asheville and, for a small fee, 
you too can purchase your very own hippie-style bumpers stickers 
and plaster them on your car and drive around looking all cool.  
Like I do.

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Yep, there's no question about it.  Asheville attracts the unique, the artists, the travelers, the adventurers, the curious.  

Of course, the community is speckled with the cogs that turn the wheels of the city, but we feel that 'keeping it weird' is what attracts us far more than well-tailored business suits and high heels.  

The Police here are cool.  Friendly to the public, no matter who you are or how you're dressed.  

Its not uncommon to see them talking with the transients, keeping the peace 'n all.  People are friendly. Personally, I think this has to be because they're happy to live here. 

Speaking of how you're dressed, how about how you're undressed? Doug and I were zipping around West Asheville one day last Summer and we saw a young woman walking on the sidewalk pushing a bicycle.  With no top on.  And no bra.  Yeh, it was all hangin' out there and she was feeeling the sunshine.  For about 10 seconds we drove along in silence (rapidly blinking in unison) until we both inquired at the same time, "Did you see what I just saw?" We immediately named her Boobie Ruby because we're twisted suddenly, she was everywhere we went, just feelin' the breeze.  Since then we've seen other women chillin' topless in the city.  Even downtown.  Hey, whatever floats your boat.  Go for it. It's legal.  I looked it up.  

Sure, people gasp and point and stare but seriously, who really cares?  It's all good.  It's Asheville.  Keepin' it weird.

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#keepinitweirdashevillenc, ashevillenc, travelingwithagreatdane, #weirdasheville, #loveasheville


  1. Sonja,

    We are in Mesa, AZ but ready to leave for Wisconsin. I enjoy your blog because I have a friend who lives in Asheville and works at the Boy Scout headquarters. Have a safe trip when you go.

    1. I've been thinking of you guys and searching for your address! So glad you contacted us! Thanks for following the blog. I hope you are both well. Come and see us in Maine this Summer! We're heading back soon. Big Hugs, XOXO
