This is Doug's incredible view from the 'plane as he landed in New Orleans on Boxing Day evening. I think we should frame this.
It rained a lot in the Bayou the week before Christmas and it rained HARD. Zu and I lay in bed at night, enjoying the thumping of rain on the roof, one of my fave sounds. Zu doesn't mind it at all. I guess if I like it, she's cool with it. It puts me to sleep with a smile on my face. Zuma too.
After Doug arrived at our RV Park we laid low for most of the next day; my cold/'flu thing was by then in full swing and my usual allergies were joining the party. We'd previously decided to return to Asheville after New Orleans, winterize Hula Girl and continue on with my car (faster and easier to get around cities and sites) so I was basically packed up and ready to go.
The weather was bright and the air felt like Spring in New Orleans as we struck out for North Carolina on the 27th. We stopped overnight along the way, one night in Atmore, Alabama (where we cruised through a casino after a buffet dinner and spent (and lost) a whole $3.00 just for kicks and giggles .... we're not gamblers!) and
the next night in Atlanta, Georgia. On the route from Atlanta to Asheville the wind howled and heaved, making driving a challenge for Doug, but we made it safely back to Bear Creek. Good driving, Doug and good clinging to the tarmac, Hula Girl! Even the transports were getting blown all over the road.
Zuma was pretty excited to hop out of Hula Girl and find herself on her old familiar Bear Creek stomping grounds the following day. She was truly excited to check everything out and make sure it was all as she'd left it.
The tree (above photo) near our campsite shows bear claw scars on it. No gators here, we've left the Bayou and all it's wonderful birds and wildlife, but with this tree we're reminded of the comically curious meandering black bears of summertime.
We were all happy to be back in Asheville. And yeh, we honked.
We celebrated New Year's Eve and my birthday in Hula Girl with our friends Missi, Rusty and Van. We had a great time. Hula Girl needed to be winterized so we could leave her while we carry on .... so we stayed on three extra nights afterwards at a hotel and enjoyed the nightlife and nice meals in downtown Asheville. Zuma was in her glory as Doug found a super dog-and people-friendly hotel in the heart of downtown: Aloft.
We're huge fans of La Quinta hotels because they're very dog-friendly but Aloft is now our new fave and we'll plan our route around them (and La Quinta from here on in). All dogs in this SUPER dog-friendly hotel are given a puffy dog bed (delivered to our room), a Kong tennis ball, dog treats and two fresh bowls. The hospitality is amazing and Zu was able to join us with several other dogs and their People at the bar for dinner.
Doug got caught up with work: calls, e.mails, texts, paperwork.
I researched maps and tour books for the next leg of our journey.
Zuma lounged on the bed and watched Animal Planet on tv. Doug and I even went to see a movie, Manchester By The Sea, which is fabulous. It reminded us of Maine. We'll be back there soon.
Now Hula Girl is now winterized and we're heading back on the road again! 2017 is already off to a flying start!
#ashevillenc, #honkforpeace, #laquinta, #alofthotel, #pet-friendlyhotel, #greatdanedog, #travelingwithlargedog
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