HAPPY NEW YEAR! May 2017 bring you all excellent health and a bounty of happiness, new adventures, fabulous family moments, fresh friendships and blankets of warmth and love.
2016 was a challenge for so many of us. We are looking at the good pieces of the puzzle of 2016. It was a journey of many adventures, an exciting discovery of new places and faces and we're truly appreciative of all the GOOD that 2016 gave us.
We are deeply saddened that we lost several dear family members and some good friends and there were many horrible happenings in this world, but when I look back on 2016, I'm so grateful for all we have. Memories are worth a LOT. They are reminders to kick "those things" off your Bucket List.
An old friend of mine used to repeat a mantra each day: "Everything changes, everything changes", she would smile. And so it does. Katie Courig said it well on the Today show yesterday: "The days go slowly but the years go fast". So true. And so another year has passed. (Sorry I'm a week behind with the blog and thank you for following and for all your kind e.mails and comments. I just had to kick the cold/'flu/bug thing and get reorganized)!
There are coincidences in life that make me stop and think, how could I possibly be so fortunate? Does that happen to you? This journey we're taking never ceases to amaze me. We meet such wonderful people. I am gob-smacked.
On a recent Uber ride from the New Orleans Airport, Doug met a very special woman. Her name is Val. She is a sweetheart, a true spirit, and, we feel sure, a lifelong friend. We are looking forward to Val visiting us in Maine.
Val is a Social Worker who drives for Uber on her spare time. She has also (humbly) been an extra in several movies based in New Orleans and area. I had the privilege of going on a shopping trip with Val and she kindly offered to help me out while Doug was gone as she lives nearby our RV Park in Slidell, just outside of New Orleans. I called her one day and she was really helpful. We hit it off immediately.
Val is a kind, generous person. The Finest Kind, we'd call her in Maine. On our first outing, she learned that Zu and I were going to be solo for Christmas and she offered to bring me Christmas dinner. On our next trip a week later, Val invited me to go for Christmas brunch in her home with her family and friends; people came by all afternoon, it was so much fun! That's Val on the right.

Oh My! This girl can cook! Val knocked it "out of the Park", as they say! She created a fantastic southern and traditional Christmas buffet and her beautiful home was filled with the best of everything Christmas dinners have to offer: A beautifully roasted turkey, mashed potatoes, sweet and savory breads, stuffing (with shrimp), vegetables, salads, desserts and southern delights like Val's Shrimp Etouffe (which I am still having dreams about)! I wish I could have eaten more! It was divine!
I feel so honored to have been invited to join in the festivities. It was a Christmas I will always remember. When you can't be with your family for the Holidays, you make a family of friends.
Lorline, one of Val's guests is a writer of children's books. I was invited to go with Lorline and Val for her book signing the following day in New Orleans, but Zuma was a little under the weather so I missed it. I was feeling a tad peaked too and the next day the 'flu hit me like a landslide.
I'll spare you the details. You're welcome.
Meanwhile, back at the farm in Maine ....
We wish you all the best of everything for The New Year!
Make Memories, don't dwell on regrets. Just be nice.
Check this out if you have a minute .... especially if you're gettin' all "Resolutionary" and stuff:
Makes you think ....
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