Saturday, April 15, 2017

Pet Peeve: Puny Poopers

April 15th, 2017.

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It's a mystery to me that people with little dogs think that their dog's poo doesn't "count" as poo because it's small.  Everywhere we go, EVERYWHERE, there are small dog poops left by irresponsible owners and I gotta say, it's a pet peeve of mine and Doug's.  If we didn't pick up after Zuma, I guarantee people would have a whole lot to say.  Try removing that from your shoe. 

As we all know, dog feces carry bacteria, germs, possibly worms and other nasties that can affect you, your family and your pet when you track them into your car/home.  Plus, you have the clean-up to deal with.  Not cool.

So, last week there was this viral youtube video that Doug notified me of; it had 5k hits the day he sent it; since then it has gone viral and has over 342k views as of this morning so apparently we're not the only people who are offended by people who refuse to pick up after their small pet.  The video is a bit ah, testy, but hey, poop is poop. Pick up after your pet.

"Er, it's a Chihuahua" ain't gonna cut it any more.

Cut and paste for a good chuckle.

There may be better ways to make a point (Anger Management Classes come to mind), but seriously ....

So, I showed Missi the vid and she immediately installed these signs:

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This seems to have put a stop to the Puny Pooper Problem.

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